10 Summertime HVAC Tips

Team Enoch
7 min readSep 22, 2022


The hot summer months can put a strain on even the most well-maintained and up-to-date HVAC system. But with some common-sense tips and preventative maintenance, you can ensure that you’ll stay cool even when the weather outside is scorching. In this article, we’ll examine some summertime HVAC tips that will keep your home cooler, save money, and keep your HVAC system’s air conditioning running efficiently.



Air conditioning has changed the way we live, making inhospitable climates much more bearable. But even the best HVAC system can use a helping hand every once in a while. By adopting some common-sense strategies to keep the air inside your home cooler, plus incorporating some efficiency strategies and tools, you can take some of the load off of your air conditioner when the summer heat sets in. We’ll examine these tips, plus look at some smart maintenance strategies that will ensure your HVAC unit can do the job it’s designed to do.

Tip #1 — Keep the sun out

Solar radiation plays a big role in heating up your home. While a lot of heat is absorbed through your roof, the sun also heats up your house through the windows. The rays of the sun coming through your windows, particularly those facing south, can raise the temperature in your home a significant amount.

A simple solution is to add drapes to your windows. Even a simple drapery will help stop solar radiation from entering your home, while drapes with white backing and insulation will do even more to keep the heat out. When the sun is shining through your windows on a hot day, draw the drapes and keep it cool!

Tip #2 — Keep windows and doors closed

What’s the point of cooling the air in your home, only to let it escape? While there’s nothing wrong with getting some fresh air, leaving windows or doors ajar while you’re trying to cool your home will cost you money and make your HVAC system work harder.

If you want to bring in some fresh air, wait until the evening when outside temperatures cool down, then open the windows. Just don’t forget to close them in the morning!

Tip #3 — Weatherize or replace old windows

Using curtains and keeping your windows closed can help keep your home cooler, but what about the windows themselves? If you have an older home that’s never had a window upgrade, now might be just the time to do it.

New double-pane windows keep cool air in much more effectively than single-pane models, taking some of the load off of your HVAC unit. And, as a bonus, you’ll stay warmer in the winter months as well.

Tip #4 — Upgrade your thermostat

Changing your thermostat settings during the day can help you lower your energy bills and reduce how much work your HVAC system has to do. But it can be hard to remember to reset the thermostat several times a day. That’s where upgrading your thermostat can help.

New “smart” thermostats like the Ecobee Smart Thermostat or Nest Learning Thermostat make controlling the temperature in your home a whole lot easier. Both of these thermostats offer programmable control over your heating and cooling system, including easy control with your smartphone from anywhere.

Both thermostats also will detect when you’re in the home, and change your heating and air conditioning settings to a temperature you determine when you’re away. And the Nest has the added bonus of a learning function that will make heating and cooling adjustments to reflect your actual usage.

Tip #5 — Use fans to keep the air moving

Fans are a low-tech way to keep cool, but they’re also highly effective tools in your home cooling system. If you’ve felt relief from a cool breeze on a hot day, you understand how a fan works. As fans blow cool air over your skin it helps perspiration evaporate, keeping your body cool. In addition, using fans in your home will help circulate the air more efficiently, reducing hot spots and warm pockets of air.

While a few portable fans can go a long way toward keeping you cool, installing ceiling fans in your home is an excellent way to keep the air moving and keep you cool.

Tip #6 — Clean your vents and ducts

Speaking of air circulation, have you thought much about your vents and ducts lately? The cooled air from your air conditioning needs to be able to circulate throughout your home for your HVAC system to do its job properly. Keeping your ducts and vents clean is an important part of HVAC maintenance that doesn’t always get enough attention.

Have your ductwork cleaned periodically by a professional duct cleaning company. The heated or cooled air from your HVAC system will circulate much more easily if excess dirt and other obstructions are removed. And your indoor air quality will improve as well.

Even if you don’t have professionals in the house, you should inspect and vacuum out your vents regularly. Just remove the cover and clean them with a vacuum attachment.

Tip #7 — Check your air filters

There are several benefits to changing your HVAC system air filters regularly. In particular, you’ll enjoy cleaner indoor air quality, have less dust to clean up, and enjoy better health. But changing your filter also improves the efficiency of your HVAC system.

A dirty air filter will make your HVAC system work harder, so you won’t enjoy the benefits of the work that your AC unit is performing. Stay on a regular schedule for air filter replacement and you’ll find that you’ll probably save on cooling costs too.

Tip #8 — Fix small problems before they become big ones

Any HVAC technician can tell you stories about HVAC systems that needed extensive repair or replacement because HVAC maintenance was deferred, or a small problem wasn’t addressed before it became a big one.

Here are a few warning signs that you should have a professional HVAC technician examine your HVAC unit:

  • Ice buildup on your air conditioner compressor, or anywhere else on your AC unit.
  • New or unusual sounds coming from your HVAC unit.
  • Your system turns off and on frequently.
  • A sudden spike in energy bills.

As the old saying goes, “A stitch in time saves nine.”

Tip #9 — Get professional service on a regular basis

One way to be sure that you don’t end up with big HVAC system problems is to make sure that the proper preventative maintenance is done on your HVAC systems. Regular HVAC maintenance by a reputable and experienced HVAC company is the best way to ensure that this is done.

Professional technicians know the proper maintenance routine for your equipment. A service technician not only knows what to look for, but they’ll also have the proper tools to ensure that your system will operate at peak efficiency.

An HVAC membership program is a great way to make sure you get the service you need. And they often only cost a few dollars a month. It’s a worthwhile investment!

Tip #10 — Replace your old HVAC system

If you have a central air conditioner you don’t need to be sold on the advantages. But even if you realize that older systems don’t offer all the advantages of a new unit, you may be hesitant to make the change to something new.

But even if you keep up on maintenance, the average lifespan of an HVAC system or air conditioning system is about 15 years. And if you haven’t been scrupulous about maintenance you may be keeping cool on borrowed time. Additionally, a poorly maintained system will not run efficiently, resulting in higher utility bills and an uncomfortable home. Learn more about the advantages of a new system in this article.

Let Team Enoch help keep you cool and comfortable

If you’re in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, your best choice for HVAC maintenance, repair, and replacement is Team Enoch

Team Enoch is committed to providing high-quality products and workmanship to our customers, at a price that’s fair. With over 2500 positive reviews, and over 10,000 jobs completed every year, we pride ourselves on ensuring that our well-trained technicians do the job right the first time.

At Team Enoch we have extensive experience in designing and installing air conditioning for homes both large and small; new and old. We have the experience to help you pick the right gear, then install it properly. And once your new system is in place, you can count on us for regular checkups and maintenance to keep it running at peak efficiency.

If you’re in the Dallas Fort Worth area and are ready to upgrade your air conditioning before the next heat wave, Team Enoch has the expertise to help your out. Contact us for all your home heating and cooling needs. Remember, estimates are always free!

Originally published at https://teamenoch.com on September 7, 2022.



Team Enoch

Team Enoch provides electrical, plumbing, Roofing & HVAC services to residential and commercial customers